Spirit of trees


The Spirit of Trees is a novel type of remedies which helps to achieve the characteristics and qualities of a species of Tree. This has a powerfull effect on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health and can liberate us in a short time from the complaints which dipend on the lack of these qualities.

We can consider the Spirit of Trees an evolution of the Bach Flower Remedies.



A Tree is an exemplary archetype. We can be adopted by a Tree, during part of our life, when we feel the necessity to integrate characteristics that we desire or which could support us during particular moments of regeneration, rebirth or need, or which can help us to experience our true essence. Although this is the real force of the Spirit of Trees and we prefer to mark these qualities, these remedies also have an astonishing effect in a very short time on physical problems which depend on the lack of the characteristics of the Tree.

During many years of accurate and extensive research, testing and comparing, Remedia created something that did not exist before, even though many people needed it. The idea was to “embrace” Trees through a remedy able to bear their entire message: the Spirit of Trees.

The Spirit of Trees makes us strongly perceive the peculiar message of each Tree, arousing in us the encounter and development of the specific qualities of the diverse Trees. They are unique, exclusive and evocative preparations, able to create a new interaction with the Trees messages, selected according to our intuition, necessity or simple curiosity.


To date, the Spirits and the Breezes of the 13 Pioneers Trees, of the Walnut Tree and of the Sweet Chestnut are available. Underneath you find a short description of the main characteristic of each Tree. Consider that each Spirit has a multitude of characteristics, you can find a detailed description HERE


The 13 Pioneers:

APPLE TREE - Nourish body, mind and spirit with beauty. Transform the world into a garden.

ASH – Feel the world and clearly see who you are.

BEECH – Be free, regardless. Regeneration of thought.

BIRCH – Dance with joy and in fluidity your renewal.

CYPRESS – Re-emerging with pride. Focus on the essentials.

FIR – Carry the cosmic breath to the Earth. Be individual, in harmony with the group.

HAZEL – Abandon yourself to the flow of your dreams, let them mature and come true.

JUNIPER – Purify the own path. Get rid of hereditary drosses.

LARCH - Purity and spiritual nourishment. Look from above and perceive the splendor.

LINDEN – Let the opposites meet.

OAK – I am here. Able to act in the material aspects of life.

SERVICE TREE – Relate yourself to time. Experience the time of your accomplishment.

WILLOW – Make the desert fertile. Protect what is being born.


Other Trees:

SWEET CHESTNUT - Open to the inner light and watch the appearance with calmness.

WALNUT TREE – The brightness in the dark. Descend into the abyss to expand your awareness.



Each Spirit results from the union of five different extracts, representing the five elements, which are collected throughout a year: flowers, buds, seeds, bark, lunar water. The five extracts are mixed together in equal parts and diluted in the ratio of 1:240 into a blend of water and pure organic alcohol, in order to obtain ready-to-use drops.

Spirit of Trees is 100% organic. It can be self-prescribed and combined with other natural or pharmacological therapies.

We suggest to take 5 drops 2-3 times a day, directly in the mouth, between meals.

Each Spirit enables to get in contact with the corresponding tree. Therefore it may result particularly effective when taken together with a physical contact with that Tree.


What makes the Spirit of Trees unique:

  • profound effects in a short time
  • easy and smooth choice of the tree
  • easy intake
  • possibility to be combined with other therapies
  • 100% organic certified



The Breeze of Trees

The Spirit of the Trees has found a way to reach us with its breeze, thanks to a spray for our aura or our room. A scented wind embraces us inside the leaves of the Tree that we have chosen as a guide: its breeze whispers its melody, it reminds us of its vitality and its properties.

As it happens with each Spirit, even with the Breeze of a Tree we will be able to get in touch with a species of Tree and will receive its characteristics and qualities. Several senses are involved, such as the sense of smell (our oldest sense), the sense of touch, the sense of sight. The positive effect of the Spirit of the Tree arises through its Breeze in a very engaging way.


We recommend the Breeze of Trees:

  • to those, who don't want to take the remedy directly in the mouth;
  • to therapists, who organize group therapy, yoga, group activities, courses, etc. and therefore can spray the breeze in the room;
  • to sellers, teachers, doctors, people who work in direct contact with the customers and the public.


Every Breeze contains the respective Spirit of the Tree, together with pure essential oils and aromatic waters (Hydrolates) that harmonize the message of the tree.